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About Shagun

"The Best Way To Elevate The World is TO GROW YOURSELF."


- Shagun Agarwal


T. 312.608.2288

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Shagun Agarwal, an Alumni of Deloitte Consulting and UBS Investment Bank has worked for and consulted various big and small-sized companies for over a decade. This makes her able to understanding business and individual challenges and techniques to survive and thrive in tomorrow's world. She travels a lot, extensively reads and researches on Embracing Change, Finding Balance at Work and in Life, Succeeding in the New Normal, and Striving for Breakthrough Performance. advancements.


She used powerful and high-impact case studies, original research, insight, and stories to influence and inspire her audience. Her audiences take away with themselves simple yet profound techniques that they can adapt to future proof themselves, strive for breakthrough performance and succeed in this dynamic environment. Shagun customizes all her keynote presentations and corporate seminars to create content that is the most suitable.


Shagun has done an MBA in Strategy and is the CEO of a Business Research and Strategy Consulting Company. She currently lives in Chicago with her husband and her Daughter. 

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